Ejercicios terapéuticos de craneal y facial
- Barbosa MA, Tahara AK, Ferreira IC, Intelangelo L, Barbosa AC. Effects of 8 weeks of masticatory muscles focused endurance exercises on women with oro-facial pain and temporomandibular disorders: A placebo randomised controlled trial. J Oral Rehabil. 2019;46(10):885‐894.
- Chortis AG, Chorti AG, Forrester G, Georgoudis G Title: Therapeutic exercise in the management of anterior disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint Source: Physical Therapy Reviews 2006;11(2):117-123.
- Dickerson, S. M., Weaver, J. M., Boyson, A. N., Thacker, J. A., Junak, A. A., Ritzline, P. D., & Donaldson, M. B. (2017). The effectiveness of exercise therapy for temporomandibular dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Rehabilitation, 31(8), 1039–1048.
- Manikandan N. Effect of facial neuromuscular re-education on facial symmetry in patients with Bell's palsy: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil. 2007;21(4):338‐343.
- Moraes Ada R, Sanches ML, Ribeiro EC, Guimarães AS. Therapeutic exercises for the control of temporomandibular disorders. Dental Press J Orthod. 2013;18(5):134‐139.
- Pereira LM, Obara K, Dias JM, Menacho MO, Lavado EL, Cardoso JR. Facial exercise therapy for facial palsy: systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Rehabil. 2011;25(7):649‐658.
Ejercicios terapéuticos de columna cervical
- APA Coronado, Rogelio A. PT, PhD∗,†,‡; Devin, Clinton J. MD∗,§; Pennings, Jacquelyn S. PhD∗,†; Vanston, Susan W. PT, MS∗; Fenster, Dana E. BS∗; Hills, Jeffrey M. MD∗; Aaronson, Oran S. MD; Schwarz, Jacob P. MD||; Stephens, Byron F. MD∗; Archer, Kristin R. PhD, DPT∗,†,‡,∗∗ Early Self-directed Home Exercise Program After Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion, SPINE: February 15, 2020 - Volume 45 - Issue 4 - p 217-225.
- de Campos TF, Maher CG, Steffens D, Fuller JT, Hancock MJ. Exercise programs may be effective in preventing a new episode of neck pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Physiother. 2018;64(3):159‐165
- Gross A, Kay TM, Paquin JP, Blanchette S, Lalonde P, Christie T, Dupont G, Graham N, Burnie SJ, Gelley G, Goldsmith CH, Forget M, Hoving JL, Bronfort G, Santaguida PL, Cervical Overview Group Title: Exercises for mechanical neck disorders (Cochrane review).
- Gross AR, Paquin JP, Dupont G, et al. Exercises for mechanical neck disorders: A Cochrane review update. Man Ther. 2016;24:25‐45.
- Jay K, Schraefel M, Andersen CH, et al. Effect of brief daily resistance training on rapid force development in painful neck and shoulder muscles: randomized controlled trial. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2013;33(5):386‐392.
- Liang L, Feng M, Cui X, et al. The effect of exercise on cervical radiculopathy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019;98(45):e17733.
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- Sheikhhoseini R, Shahrbanian S, Sayyadi P, O'Sullivan K. Effectiveness of Therapeutic Exercise on Forward Head Posture: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2018;41(6):530‐539.
- Visvanathan R, Paul J, Manoharlal MA, Muthuswamy S, Muthukumar N Title: Efficacy of endurance exercise on pain and disability in chronic neck pain -- a systematic review Source: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2018 Dec;12(12):5-13 Method: systematic review.
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- Zronek M, Sanker H, Newcomb J, Donaldson M. The influence of home exercise programs for patients with non-specific or specific neck pain: a systematic review of the literature. J Man Manip Ther. 2016;24(2):62‐73.
Ejercicios terapéuticos de columna dorso-lumbar
- Ceballos Laita L, Tejedor Cubillo C, Mingo Gómez T, Jiménez Del Barrio S. Effects of corrective, therapeutic exercise techniques on adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. A systematic review. Efectos de las técnicas de ejercicio terapéutico correctivo en la escoliosis idiopática del adolescente. Revisión sistemática. Arch Argent Pediatr. 2018;116(4):e582‐e589.
- Chutkan NB, Lipson AC, Lisi AJ, Reinsel TE, Rich RL, Christie SD et all. Evidence-based clinical guidelines for multidisciplinary spine care: diagnosis and treatment of low back pain. University of Sidney. Australia, 2020.
- Coulombe BJ, Games KE, Neil ER, Eberman LE. Core Stability Exercise Versus General Exercise for Chronic Low Back Pain. J Athl Train. 2017;52(1):71-72.
- Gomes-Neto M, Lopes JM, Conceição CS, et al. Stabilization exercise compared to general exercises or manual therapy for the management of low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Phys Ther Sport. 2017;23:136-142.
- Gordon R, Bloxham S. A Systematic Review of the Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain. Healthcare (Basel). 2016;4(2):22. Published 2016 Apr 25.
- Katzman WB, Vittinghoff E, Lin F, et al. Targeted spine strengthening exercise and posture training program to reduce hyperkyphosis in older adults: results from the study of hyperkyphosis, exercise, and function (SHEAF) randomized controlled trial. Osteoporos Int. 2017;28(10):2831-2841.
- Luomajoki HA, Bonet Beltran MB, Careddu S, Bauer CM. Effectiveness of movement control exercise on patients with non-specific low back pain and movement control impairment: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2018;36:1-11.
- Shiri R, Coggon D, Falah-Hassani K. Exercise for the Prevention of Low Back Pain: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Trials. Am J Epidemiol. 2018;187(5):1093-1101.
Ejercicios terapéuticos de hombro y cintura escapular
Bennell K, Wee E, Coburn S, et al. Efficacy of standardised manual therapy and home exercise programme for chronic rotator cuff disease: randomised placebo controlled trial. BMJ. 2010;340:c2756. Published 2010 Jun 8.
- Blume C, Wang-Price S, Trudelle-Jackson E, Ortiz A. Comparison of eccentric and concentric exercise interventios in adults with subacromial impingement syndrome. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2015;10(4):441‐455.
- Bruder A, Taylor NF, Dodd KJ, Shields N. Exercise reduces impairment and improves activity in people after some upper limb fractures: a systematic review. J Physiother. 2011;57(2):71‐82.
- Buttagat V, Taepa N, Suwannived N, Rattanachan N. Effects of scapular stabilization exercise on pain related parameters in patients with scapulocostal syndrome: A randomized controlled trial. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2016;20(1):115‐122.
- Eshoj, H. R., Rasmussen, S., Frich, L. H., Hvass, I., Christensen, R., Boyle, E., … Juul-Kristensen, B. (2020). Neuromuscular Exercises Improve Shoulder Function More Than Standard Care Exercises in Patients With a Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Dislocation: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine.
- Lombardi I Jr, Magri AG, Fleury AM, Da Silva AC, Natour J. Progressive resistance training in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Arthritis Rheum. 2008;59(5):615‐622.
Rawat P, Eapen C, Seema KP. Effect of rotator cuff strengthening as an adjunct to standard care in subjects with adhesive capsulitis: A randomized controlled trial. J Hand Ther. 2017;30(3):235‐241.
- Ribeiro IL, Moreira RFC, Ferrari AV, Alburquerque-Sendín F, Camargo PR, Salvini TF. Effectiveness of early rehabilitation on range of motion, muscle strength and arm function after breast cancer surgery: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Clin Rehabil. 2019;33(12):1876‐1886.
Ejercicios terapéuticos de codo
- Araya Quintanilla F, Moyano Galvez V. Ejercicio terapeutico para epicondilalgia lateral: revision sistematica (Exercise therapy for lateral epicondylalgia: systematic review) [Spanish] Source: Revista de la Sociedad Espanola del Dolor 2015 Nov-Dec;22(6):253-270
- Bruder AM, Shields N, Dodd KJ, Taylor NF. Prescribed exercise programs may not be effective in reducing impairments and improving activity during upper limb fracture rehabilitation: a systematic review. J Physiother. 2017;63(4):205‐220.
- Cullinane FL, Boocock MG, Trevelyan FC. Is eccentric exercise an effective treatment for lateral epicondylitis? A systematic review. Clin Rehabil. 2014;28(1):3‐19.
- Hoogvliet P, Randsdorp MS, Dingemanse R, Koes BW, Huisstede BM. Does effectiveness of exercise therapy and mobilisation techniques offer guidance for the treatment of lateral and medial epicondylitis? A systematic review. Br J Sports Med. 2013;47(17):1112‐1119.
- Malliaras P, Maffulli N, Garau G. Eccentric training programmes in the management of lateral elbow tendinopathy. Disabil Rehabil. 2008;30(20-22):1590‐1596.
- Ortega-Castillo M, Medina-Porqueres I. Effectiveness of the eccentric exercise therapy in physically active adults with symptomatic shoulder impingement or lateral epicondylar tendinopathy: A systematic review. J Sci Med Sport. 2016;19(6):438‐453.
- Raman J, MacDermid JC, Grewal R. Effectiveness of different methods of resistance exercises in lateral epicondylosis--a systematic review. J Hand Ther. 2012;25(1):5‐26.
Ejercicios terapéuticos de muñeca y mano
- Alison Hammond, Yeliz Prior, The effectiveness of home hand exercise programmes in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review, British Medical Bulletin, Volume 119, Issue 1, September 2016, Pages 49–62.
- Athan Baillet, Mathieu Vaillant, Michel Guinot, Robert Juvin, Philippe Gaudin, Efficacy of resistance exercises in rheumatoid arthritis: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Rheumatology, Volume 51, Issue 3, March 2012, Pages 519–527.
- (2004) Efficacy of Aerobic Exercises For Osteoarthritis (part II): A Meta-analysis, Physical Therapy Reviews, 9:3, 125-145.
- Povlsen B, Hansson T, Povlsen SD. Treatment for thoracic outlet syndrome. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD007218.
Ejercicios terapéuticos de cadera
- Diong J, Allen N, Sherrington C. Structured exercise improves mobility after hip fracture: a meta-analysis with meta-regression [published correction appears in Br J Sports Med. 2016 Aug;50(15):e3]. Br J Sports Med. 2016;50(6):346-355.
- Fransen M, McConnell S, Hernandez‐Molina G, Reichenbach S. Exercise for osteoarthritis of the hip. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD007912.
- Hurley M, Dickson K, Hallett R, et al. Exercise interventions and patient beliefs for people with hip, knee or hip and knee osteoarthritis: a mixed methods review. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;4(4):CD010842. Published 2018 Apr 17.
- Nguyen C, Lefèvre-Colau MM, Poiraudeau S, Rannou F. Rehabilitation (exercise and strength training) and osteoarthritis: A critical narrative review. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2016;59(3):190-195.
- Thomson C, Krouwel O, Kuisma R, Hebron C. The outcome of hip exercise in patellofemoral pain: A systematic review. Man Ther. 2016;26:1-30.
Ejercicios terapéuticos de rodilla
- Escalante Y, Saavedra JM, García-Hermoso A, Silva AJ, Barbosa TM. Physical exercise and reduction of pain in adults with lower limb osteoarthritis: a systematic review. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2010;23(4):175‐186.
- Fransen M, McConnell S, Harmer AR, Van der Esch M, Simic M, Bennell KL. Exercise for osteoarthritis of the knee. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD004376.
- Thomson C, Krouwel O, Kuisma R, Hebron C. The outcome of hip exercise in patellofemoral pain: A systematic review. Man Ther. 2016;26:1-30.
Ejercicios terapéuticos de tobillo y pie
- Bleakley CM, Taylor JB, Dischiavi SL, Doherty C, Delahunt E. Rehabilitation Exercises Reduce Reinjury Post Ankle Sprain, But the Content and Parameters of an Optimal Exercise Program Have Yet to Be Established: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2019;100(7):1367‐1375.
- Cruz AL, Oliveira R, Silva AG. Exercise-based interventions for physically active individuals with functional ankle instability: a systematic review of the literature. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2019;59(4):666‐675.
- Huffer D, Hing W, Newton R, Clair M. Strength training for plantar fasciitis and the intrinsic foot musculature: A systematic review. Phys Ther Sport. 2017;24:44‐52.
- Matos M, Mendes R, Silva AB, Sousa N. Physical activity and exercise on diabetic foot related outcomes: A systematic review. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2018;139:81‐90.
- Murphy MC, Travers MJ, Chivers P, et al. Efficacy of heavy eccentric calf training for treating mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med. 2019;53(17):1070‐1077.
- Van Usen C, Pumberger B Title: Effectiveness of eccentric exercises in the management of chronic Achilles tendinosis Source: Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences & Practice 2007 Apr;5(2):1-14.
- Wilson F, Walshe M, O'Dwyer T, Bennett K, Mockler D, Bleakley C. Exercise, orthoses and splinting for treating Achilles tendinopathy: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med. 2018;52(24):1564‐1574.
- Woitzik E, Jacobs C, Wong JJ, et al. The effectiveness of exercise on recovery and clinical outcomes of soft tissue injuries of the leg, ankle, and foot: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Man Ther. 2015;20(5):633‐645.
Ejercicios de terapia cardíaca
- Anderson L, Oldridge N, Thompson DR, et al. Exercise-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation for Coronary Heart Disease: Cochrane Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016;67(1):1-12.
- Dibben GO, Dalal HM, Taylor RS, Doherty P, Tang LH, Hillsdon M. Cardiac rehabilitation and physical activity: systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart. 2018;104(17):1394-1402. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2017-312832.
- Poffley A, Thomas E, Grace SL, et al. A systematic review of cardiac rehabilitation registries. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017;24(15):1596-1609.
- Ruano-Ravina A, Pena-Gil C, Abu-Assi E, et al. Participation and adherence to cardiac rehabilitation programs. A systematic review. Int J Cardiol. 2016;223:436-443.
- Schopfer DW, Forman DE. Cardiac Rehabilitation in Older Adults. Can J Cardiol. 2016;32(9):1088-1096.
- Servey JT, Stephens M. Cardiac Rehabilitation: Improving Function and Reducing Risk. Am Fam Physician. 2016;94(1):37-43.
Ejercicios de terapia neurológica
- Codima A, das Neves Silva W, de Souza Borges AP, de Castro G Jr. Exercise prescription for symptoms and quality of life improvements in lung cancer patients: a systematic review [published online ahead of print, 2020 May 9]. Support Care Cancer. 2020;10.1007/s00520-020-05499-6.
- Demaneuf T, Aitken Z, Karahalios A, et al. Effectiveness of Exercise Interventions for Pain Reduction in People With Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2019;100(1):128‐139
- Gaspar R, Padula N, Freitas TB, de Oliveira JPJ, Torriani-Pasin C. Physical Exercise for Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury: Systematic Review Based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health. J Sport Rehabil. 2019;28(5):505‐516.
- Hue O, Lepage G, Morin AJS, Tracey D, Moullec G. Do Exercise Interventions Improve Balance for Children and Adolescents With Down Syndrome? A Systematic Review. Phys Ther. 2019;99(5):507‐518.
- Luo L, Meng H, Wang Z, et al. Effect of high-intensity exercise on cardiorespiratory fitness in stroke survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2020;63(1):59‐68.
- Rietberg MB, Brooks D, Uitdehaag BM, Kwakkel G. Exercise therapy for multiple sclerosis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005;2005(1):CD003980. Published 2005 Jan 25.
Ejercicios de terapia pediátrica
- Bayattork M, Sköld MB, Sundstrup E, Andersen LL. Exercise interventions to improve postural malalignments in head, neck, and trunk among adolescents, adults, and older people: systematic review of randomized controlled trials. J Exerc Rehabil. 2020;16(1):36-48. Published 2020 Feb 26.
- Ceballos Laita L, Tejedor Cubillo C, Mingo Gómez T, Jiménez Del Barrio S. Effects of corrective, therapeutic exercise techniques on adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. A systematic review. Efectos de las técnicas de ejercicio terapéutico correctivo en la escoliosis idiopática del adolescente. Revisión sistemática. Arch Argent Pediatr. 2018;116(4):e582-e589. doi:10.5546/aap.2018.eng.e582
- Ekeland E, Heian F, Hagen KB, Abbott J, Nordheim L. Exercise to improve self-esteem in children and young people. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(1):CD003683.
- Hsu CW, Kang YN, Tseng SH. Effects of Therapeutic Exercise Intensity on Cerebral Palsy Outcomes: A Systematic Review With Meta-Regression of Randomized Clinical Trials. Front Neurol. 2019;10:657. Published 2019 Jun 21. doi:10.3389/fneur.2019.00657
- Klepper S, Mano Khong TT, Klotz R, Gregorek AO, Chan YC, Sawade S. Effects of Structured Exercise Training in Children and Adolescents With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis [published correction appears in Pediatr Phys Ther. 2019 Apr;31(2):232]. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2019;31(1):3-21.
- Kuntze G, Nesbitt C, Whittaker JL, et al. Exercise Therapy in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2018;99(1):178-193.e1.
- Maïano C, Hue O, Lepage G, Morin AJS, Tracey D, Moullec G. Do Exercise Interventions Improve Balance for Children and Adolescents With Down Syndrome? A Systematic Review. Phys Ther. 2019;99(5):507-518.2
- Sanabria-Martínez G, García-Hermoso A, Poyatos-León R, González-García A, Sánchez-López M, Martínez-Vizcaíno V. Effects of Exercise-Based Interventions on Neonatal Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Am J Health Promot. 2016;30(4):214-223.
- Zhang W, Wang Q, Liu L, Yang W, Liu H. Effects of physical therapy on lung function in children with asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 3]. Pediatr Res. 2020;10.1038/s41390-020-0874-x.
Ejercicios de terapia respiratoria
- Cavalheri V, Burtin C, Formico VR, et al. Exercise training undertaken by people within 12 months of lung resection for non-small cell lung cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019;6(6):CD009955. Published 2019 Jun 17.
- Codima A, das Neves Silva W, de Souza Borges AP, de Castro G Jr. Exercise prescription for symptoms and quality of life improvements in lung cancer patients: a systematic review [published online ahead of print, 2020 May 9]. Support Care Cancer. 2020;10.1007/s00520-020-05499-6.
- Berlowitz DJ, Tamplin J. Respiratory muscle training for cervical spinal cord injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013;(7):CD008507. Published 2013 Jul 23.
- Delbressine JM, Vaes AW, Goërtz YM, et al. Effects of Exercise-Based Interventions on Fall Risk and Balance in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2020;40(3):152-163.
- Demaneuf T, Aitken Z, Karahalios A, et al. Effectiveness of Exercise Interventions for Pain Reduction in People With Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2019;100(1):128‐13
- Hanada M, Kasawara KT, Mathur S, et al. Aerobic and breathing exercises improve dyspnea, exercise capacity and quality of life in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Thorac Dis. 2020;12(3):1041-1055.
- Holland AE, Hill CJ, Jones AY, McDonald CF. Breathing exercises for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012;10:CD008250. Published 2012 Oct 17.
- Katsura M, Kuriyama A, Takeshima T, Fukuhara S, Furukawa TA. Preoperative inspiratory muscle training for postoperative pulmonary complications in adults undergoing cardiac and major abdominal surgery. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015;(10):CD010356. Published 2015 Oct 5.
- Lu Y, Li P, Li N, et al. Effects of Home-Based Breathing Exercises in Subjects With COPD. Respir Care. 2020;65(3):377-387. doi:10.4187/respcare.07121
- McKeough ZJ, Velloso M, Lima VP, Alison JA. Upper limb exercise training for COPD. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016;11(11):CD011434. Published 2016 Nov 15.
- Silva IS, Pedrosa R, Azevedo IG, et al. Respiratory muscle training in children and adults with neuromuscular disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019;9(9):CD011711. Published 2019 Sep 5.
Ejercicios de suelo pélvico
- Armour M, Ee CC, Naidoo D, et al. Exercise for dysmenorrhoea. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019;9(9):CD004142. Published 2019 Sep 20.
- Bourke L, Smith D, Steed L, et al. Exercise for Men with Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Eur Urol. 2016;69(4):693-703.
- Brennen R, Lin KY, Denehy L, Frawley HC. The Effect of Pelvic Floor Muscle Interventions on Pelvic Floor Dysfunction After Gynecological Cancer Treatment: A Systematic Review [published online ahead of print, 2020 May 4]. Phys Ther. 2020;pzaa081.
- Cacciari LP, Dumoulin C, Hay-Smith EJ. Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women: a cochrane systematic review abridged republication. Braz J Phys Ther. 2019;23(2):93-107.
- Chang JI, Lam V, Patel MI. Preoperative Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise and Postprostatectomy Incontinence: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Eur Urol. 2016;69(3):460-467.
- Dumoulin C, Cacciari LP, Hay-Smith EJC. Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;10(10):CD005654. Published 2018 Oct 4.
- García-Sánchez E, Rubio-Arias JA, Ávila-Gandía V, Ramos-Campo DJ, López-Román J. Effectiveness of pelvic floor muscle training in treating urinary incontinence in women: A current review. Efectividad del entrenamiento de la musculatura del suelo pélvico en el tratamiento de la incontinencia urinaria en la mujer: una revisión actual. Actas Urol Esp. 2016;40(5):271-278.
- Li C, Gong Y, Wang B. The efficacy of pelvic floor muscle training for pelvic organ prolapse: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int Urogynecol J. 2016;27(7):981-992.
- Radzimińska A, Strączyńska A, Weber-Rajek M, Styczyńska H, Strojek K, Piekorz Z. The impact of pelvic floor muscle training on the quality of life of women with urinary incontinence: a systematic literature review. Clin Interv Aging. 2018;13:957-965. Published 2018 May 17.
- Strączyńska A, Weber-Rajek M, Strojek K, et al. The Impact Of Pelvic Floor Muscle Training On Urinary Incontinence In Men After Radical Prostatectomy (RP) - A Systematic Review. Clin Interv Aging. 2019;14:1997-2005. Published 2019 Nov 12.
Ejercicios terapéuticos funcionales
- Felicity J. Lewis, Heather C. Stewart & Hazel Roddam (2019) Effects of exercise interventions on physical function, mobility, frailty status and strength in the pre-frail population: a review of the evidence base for practice, European Journal of Physiotherapy,
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- Long, A., Robinson, K., Goldberg, S. et al. Effectiveness of exercise interventions for adults over 65 with moderate-to-severe dementia in community settings: a systematic review. Eur Geriatr Med 10, 843–852 (2019).
- McKelvie S, Hall AM, Richmond HR, Finnegan S, Lasserson D. Improving the rehabilitation of older people after emergency hospital admission. Maturitas. 2018;111:20-30.
- Regnaux JP, Davergne T, Palazzo C, et al. Exercise programmes for ankylosing spondylitis [published online ahead of print, 2019 Oct 2]. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019;10(10):CD011321.
- Sherrington C, Fairhall NJ, Wallbank GK, et al. Exercise for preventing falls in older people living in the community. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019;1(1):CD012424. Published 2019 Jan 31.
- Varahra A, Rodrigues IB, MacDermid JC, Bryant D, Birmingham T. Exercise to improve functional outcomes in persons with osteoporosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Osteoporos Int. 2018;29(2):265-286.